Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Elisabeth strikes again!

With this "lack of job" I have going on, I watch The View every morning, as I usually do when I am home at that time. Since the move to the Windy City, I have been attempting to give Elisabeth a chance. I forgot that i was 'giving her a chance' one day when I texted my roommate the following texts: "SILS, did you know that Elisabeth from The View graduated from BC? She is bringing your school down!"

Since then, I have been doing a relatively decent job of being nice to her and not making fun of the ridiculous things that she says or wears. Until today. At first glance, I thought she was wearing a teal dress, so her only problem was the oversized bandana that was too big for her head and made her look like a sloppy college kid, not some one that I should be taking seriously because she is supposed to be a professional on National TV! But then, she stood up. This was not, in fact, a dress, but an ADULT ONESIE!!!! Do I need to even comment about what is wrong with that? Barbara made her stand up to "show us what she was wearing" and her justification for this outfit speaks for itself. "My daughter is now too big/old to wear onesie's so I was feeling sad about that and thought I would WEAR ONE MYSELF!" Um..What?? That makes no sense Elisabeth!

To top the show off, she asked one of the questions that makes me the maddest in this world. They had a female co-host on the show that is dating some one that is 19 years older than her. Elisabeth asked her, "How does your dad feel about that?" Does her mom not get to have feelings on this Elisabeth? It is about to be 2007 ('about' is being used loosely) isn't it time to start saying things incorporating both parents? Wake up Elisabeth!

To the producers of The View: Since you are making such a huge change of hosts and also changing your set in September, please make one more change and get rid of her. Thanks in advance!


Blogger T-Mac said...

ONESIE?! Hilarious...seriously, I think they should just keep dressing her like a giant, funny looking doll--it's gooooooood television! :-)

3:33 PM  
Blogger Cptn. Backfire said...

You really should just quit watching "The View". Perhaps the reason that it is still on the air is that women like you watch it, bitch about it...and though you don't like it or the people on it, you boost their ratings by turning on your TV. I'm just sayin'.

That show fucking blows. There's nothing about it that's good.

Time is better spent watching All My Children and One Life To Live.


4:08 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

She didn't ask what her mom thought because her mom recently died. Way to be heartless, Kourt.

8:58 PM  
Blogger Kourtney said...

It would be different if she didn't make comments like that all the time Matt.....Every story she tells is about what her HUSBAND thinks and so on....Think for yourself Elisabeth!

10:11 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

um, why do you have boyer's blog on there twice. i demand my blog be listed twice. TWICE. blog rankings are a measure of coolness. THANK YOU.

4:08 PM  

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