Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

How to make new friends

When most people move into a new apartment they knock on their neighbors' doors to introduce themselves. Some people might even bring baked goods. Lili and I did not ever do that. We have slowly started to recognize faces of some the individuals that live on our floor and building, but we are no where close to being friends with them. I have found a new way to break the barriers of friendship. Try to burn the building down!

Yesterday afternoon I tried some soup that I had purchased from the grocery and didn't really like it. That meant that I was still hungry but did not feel like cooking. I decided to throw some fries into the oven while I changed out of my work clothes and chat with Kristen about wanting to come back to Michigan earlier.

My smoke alarm started going off. I rolled my eyes and went to go turn on the fan of my stove. The alarm seems to go off every time we use the oven, and no, I do not burn the food every time I use the oven causing it to go off. This time it wasn't stopping and I noticed the smell of the oven to be much stronger then usual. I open the oven door to begin the panic. There were flames engulfing the lower portion of my oven.

My mind started racing....what to do...who to call....what to do. Open the oven again and yes...there are still flames. SHIT! Is it gas or grease you can't pour water on? THINK KOURTNEY THINK! Alarm is still going into the hall way and yell help. Some one will know what to do.

"HELP! Can some one help me? I need help!"

NO one....surely they hear that my alarm is STILL going off....right? Go back out and yell again.


Finally, the people living next to us come in and help me. I hear my self saying "I have never had a gas stove I didn't know if I could pour water or if that would make it worse. Do you have an estinguisher?"

They pour water on the fire and it is put out very easily. They then inform me, "The lower part of the oven is not a place to put pans, as in an electric stove. It is a boiler so you need to keep it empty."

Empty? What were they talking about? I look...see the burned cardboard box and bread pan and remember. I cleaned yesterday and put my stone from Papmered Chef and bread pan in there so I could clean. OOPS! Who knew that was not a drawer for the purpose of holding the things I didn't have room for in my cupboards.

Good one was hurt and I met 3 neighbors. Neighbors I hope to never see again! Although I am joking about it now, I was not for a while. I was still in tears when Lili got home an hour later. Amidst the tears and vomit from my nerves I managed to text her "Your roommate is a dumb ass...I thought you should know. Hope the exam went well!" She joked with Alison on her walk home "HAHA I hope she didn't burn the place down!" (True story) Isn't it ironic? It is becoming more funny, but please tred lightly with your jokes, just thought the story was one that needed to be shared.


Blogger erika said...

if it makes you feel any better, i have a gas stove @ my parents and never realized why my mom only kept the broiler pan in the drawer. so, thank you. now i know! and i am sure those fries were not very good anyways:-)

10:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, first...BWAHAHA!

Second, everybody has those moments. Well everybody but me...cuz I'm perfect. But I may have left a bag of trash in my sink before I left for Georgia. So my apartment may stink when I get back. The only thing saving me at the moment is that the thermostat is set really low.


11:20 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We all have our ways of learning the little things about living on our own. I made the mistake of trying to freeze lettuce, which ended in a refrigerator shelf lined with brown, murky goo. You tried to burn your apartment down. To each their own!


9:58 AM  
Blogger alison claire said...

read my latest story, it's strikingly similar ;)

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahahahahaha....oh kourt ur killin me....ill have to try that one with the neighbors across the street...or better yet at swaffs place because i think we can all assume that he doesnt know anybody at OH....he just misses the fighting chippewas THAT much!

can i recomend you eating out for christmas dinner? haha :)

11:05 PM  
Blogger Luce316 said...

LOL. Too funny Kourt. If it makes you feel better, one of my officemates did something a little worse. She put a gingerbread cookie in the microwave to warm it up--and set the timer for two minutes. Not only did it catch on fire, but it set off the building's smoke alarm. The entire building had to be evacuated. Eventually the fire department showed up. A lot of angry students and instructors, and one foul-smelling microwave were the result. See, it could have been much worse!

5:19 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

have you quit your blog?

7:35 PM  

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