Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Dear Elisabeth

As all of my readers are aware, I tend to disagree with Elisabeth from the View. Today is no different; however, I decided to do something about it. I wrote her an e-mail. Correction, I wrote her PR person an e-mail, but I feel better!

Dear Elisabeth:

First, let me start by saying that I enjoy the show and watch it almost every day. Today, October 4, 2006 was no different. On the show today you were discussing the Foley Fallout. There are some issues that I think need to be cleared up and better explained in a future show. It was said that he has just come out to be gay and a comment was uttered that it would make sense that he was gay. Why? Why would that make sense? FBI studies show that over 90% of all pediphiles are actually NOT gay. Also, does him doing wrong things become justified since he is gay? All things that happen in todays society must be done by people of a homosexual orientation, as they are horrible people themselves. I have no problem with individuals expressing their views and opinions; however, please have the facts to back them up.

With that being said, I feel that it must be expressed that you are shutting out part of your viewers. The point of the show is to have the ladies on the show expressing the potential view point of the generation they represent. You represent my generation and you are skipping a large portion of your generation. I am very happy for you and the family that you have. I am glad you are happy in your marriage and as a mother. Those are great roles to be living. However, you do many stories on being a young mother and then also as being a college student. Where are the stories or view point of some one in between those roles? There are millions of individuals in the same place as I am in life and our voice is being ignored. This is just something to think about as you fill the empty chair on your show.

Thank-you for your time. Have a great day!

** Note: I typed my original letter in Word so I looked for grammar and spelling problems. I did not do that in this and I did not save the letter in word. I just thought I would put the letter in here (the best I could recreate it) after I told my roommate what I had done!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

good points! and on a side note, one of my classmates made a very rude comment about homosexuals today, and she got attacked! you have been proud:-)

3:42 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ha, WOULD have been

3:43 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

i saw this also and flipped out when i heard that. I think it bothered me more than when i hear people making comments like that b/c it was on national tv, on a show that people watch and then form opinions. People who are lucky enough to have those types of jobs are suppose to be role models, not forward their own bias' onto the national tv network. We had to read plessy v ferg in class and one of the judges said, im racist but b/c im a judge, i need to think about everything i write and decide and how it will affect other people who dont share my views. I thought that was awesome that he could be honest and yet still set the example of how it should be. OO and i liked that stat, we just talked about that particular one in class also. Ok im proud that you wrote that letter;)

4:16 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

I think you're placing some unrealistic expectations on Elisabeth. I don't think they hired her to be an advocate of our generation necessarily, but rather they hired her personality, her persona, and her viewpoints. Likewise, an openly lesbian, middle aged female in Rosie O'Donnell in no way, shape, or form represents "her generation" as a whole; in fact, she would seem to very atypical.

None of this excuses what she may have said, by any means. Solution: bring back Lisa Ling.

4:45 PM  
Blogger Kourtney said...

Matt~ Then they changed the premise of the show as when it started that had 4 generations represented and given a VOICE and the round table. Also, I am not saying she needs to speak for everyone but the only stories she does is about being a young mom or about being in college......more of us are in between.

Also, I could care less that she doesn't agree with me...I like difference of opinions, but back it up. She sounds ignorant when she does not know all sides of the issues she is spouting off about.

One more thing is that Rosie tends to give all sides...for example, she would tell us the side of some one her age that isn't a lesbian might think. Plays the devil advocate on her self so to speak

5:14 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

i'm assuming you've seen THIS


8:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was thoroughly disgusted when Foley's attorney announced the gay, alcoholic card. It's BS. You're right - gays are generally not into LITTLE BOYS as Foley is. They should call him for what he is. He's a pedophile, but nice for him to try to use a "get out of jail free" card by blaming his prurient behavior on alcohol. Ugh. Politicians piss me off. Those that sit on thrones of morality are the ones that usually have deviant sexual behavior.

9:26 PM  

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