Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Thoughts about feminism

Yes, you are at my blog. I am sure you read the word feminism and thought you were actually here. Or here. I am not the most qualified person to be writing what I am about to write but it has been on my mind for quite some time now. It is something that I have talked about with Lili often and have had the intention to write this blog for some time now. Having dinner with some friends this week made me remember this post that has been floating around my head. I can't remember the context in which this sentence was said, but it was said none the less. I asked a question to which the reply was, "No! I am not a feminist!" Then she said, "Well I am not against feminism I am just not one."

A feminist is a woman who does not allow anyone to think in her place.

In politics there are different levels of being conservative or liberal. Feminism is no different. So many people, women and men, have the same view points that are encompassed in feminism but think the word feminist is dirty. When did that word become dirty? Why is it so dirty? If you agree with feminism why can't you label yourself a feminist?

I myself have never been able to find out precisely what feminism is: I only know that people call me a feminist whenever I express sentiments that differentiate me from a doormat, or a prostitute.
-- Rebecca West

I find the quotation that says "This is what a feminist looks like" so perfect. It shows that feminism is in all shapes and sizes. Just because I agree with some of the ideologies that encompasses feminism does not make me an extremist; nor would it make you such. Just because you agree that women should have equal opportunities but like to wear make up or wear heels does not mean that you aren't a feminist. Feminism doesn't have to be an either/or thing.

It's important to remember that feminism is no longer a group of organizations or leaders. It's the expectations that parents have for their daughters, and their sons, too. It's the way we talk about and treat one another. It's who makes the money and who makes the compromises and who makes the dinner. It's a state of mind. It's the way we live now.
-- Anna Quindlen

I am happy and proud to call myself a feminist.


Blogger kristen said...

You are just as qualified as any other feminist to write about this.

I'm wearing my "This is what a feminist looks like" shirt RIGHT NOW.

1:05 PM  
Blogger Matt said...

I think everyone should be afraid of the word "feminist." Let's face it, the downfall of American society started at about the same time that women started entering the work force en masse. This erosion of our strong Christian, moral foundation can all be traced to the decline of the double parent household. And for all of this, I blame feminism.

4:17 PM  
Blogger Kourtney said...

Matt, you are showing your republican side again!!!! :)

7:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've been somewhat bothered by conventional notions of feminism as well. I will be the first to tell you that I don't know nearly enough about the various waves of feminism, but I get the general idea that no one should decide for another. I can get on board with that.

My concern has been how my own scholarship can explore issues of feminism. For example, at Ohio one of the groups fighting cancer put out a t-shirt that read "I <3 Boobs" with the proceeds going to cancer organizations. And my concern is that while this campaign funds a worthy cause, I fear that is is still oppressive and calls for the objectification of more women. And I hear that is bad. But I'm not sure if I am the one to tackle this topic only because it is not part of my lived experience and I would be labeling as much as I would be attempting to unmask.

Anyway, I think you are right that being a feminist is more in line with a belief system than with a manner of dress, style of hair, or anything else so superficial.


8:44 AM  

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