Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

8th World Wonders

I tend to use the phrase "I think that is the 8th world wonder" when I don't know how to explain something. However, contrary to Kimberly Locke, I do not, infact, think any person is the 8th world wonder. They could possibly be the 9th! Here are just a few of my wonders:

1) Where do the Go Fug Yourself girls find their pictures?
2) How do taxi drivers learn where every single little street is in a city? How long does that take?
3) How do the Postsecret peeps decide what "secret" should be shown? (Side note: The first one this week is not actually a secret! It is more of a statement. How did that make the cut?)
4) Why is it easier to remember song lyrics then what I learned in class? Teachers should put lectures in song form!
5) How is the chocolate so thick on my caramel apple? Why doesn't it slide off? Thoughts Alison?
6) Who first thought to "carve" a pumpkin? Why does not signify Halloween? (I am sure this is explained on the internet, but I am lazy!)
7) The Mystery Spot :)


Blogger Matt said...

4 reminds me of the Saved by the Bell episode where they slept with the homework answers playing over and over in their head phones.

I've always wondered how schools of fish or flocks of birds know when everyone is going to change direction all at once. Lame and insignificant, but I've always wondered.

9:52 PM  
Blogger alison claire said...

the chocolate molecules grab on tight to your caramel apple and dry really quickly! the chocolate's fine and liquidy and slippery when it's in a bowl with other hot liquidy chocolate, but as soon as it touches something cool, and hits the air, it's ready to settle down and have babies. or something like that.

10:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

haha.. i checked ou #1 if u like that, you should see

8:58 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

the first "secret" on post secret is implied...i think that those are the best secrets because they make you think even more than maybe you usually would....

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am concerned about the chocolate on the CARMEL apple. It seems like chocolate would be slightly out of place.


3:29 PM  
Blogger Kourtney said...

NO WAY chocolate on the caramel apple is SO YUMMY should try it :)

5:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever you want to do is fine...I just wanted to make sure you meant chocolate and not carmel. I'm not sure I could handle that much syruppy goodness in one sitting, but you go right ahead.


8:11 AM  

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