Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Friday, September 07, 2007

It's A New Year, A New Day.....

Since I do not really believe in New Year resolutions, I think that you can have "goals" at any point of the year. As I have been living in Chicago for a little over a year now, (can you believe it?!?!) I thought what better time then any to create New Year Goals. I will keep you posted on how these new goals work out for me, I am sure you will be anxiously awaiting my updates!

1) Update more (Hence me keeping you updated on how my goals are working out): I have been feeling very uninspired as of late on blog writing. I have some thoughts running around in my head, however, so hopefully that is just what I need to get me back into the blog world!

2) Stay in better touch: I have started this pattern of not calling people or returning phone calls for weeks. This then causes me one or two nights a month where I do nothing but talk on the phone! It becomes a vicious cycle where the longer you don't talk, the longer the phone convo will be making me want to push it off further. I have come to the conclusion that if I talk to people on a regular basis then the convos might not need to be that long!

3) Stop wasting so much time: I have the great ability to waste more time then any one I have ever known. I have a day off. I write my list (you know how I like my lists!) of what I want to do that day. By the end of the day I have to add the things that I actually did so that I can cross things off and look productive. Those additions are things like take a nap, watch bad tv and chat on line to people at work or in class being productive (well, they aren't being THAT productive since they are online with me!)

4) Read more: Since I waste so much time (see above) I find myself only reading on my lunch break at work. This causes me to take a long time to finish a book that I should finish in only a couple of days. When books take a long time to finish I start to not like it as much. I am not being fair to those books! I am not able to recommend these books in good faith because I am not sure how much I would or would not like it had I read it at a normal pace!

5) Stop wearing my wish bone where my back bone should be: I need to start living in the moment. Stop looking forward. Take life a day at a time. Enjoy today. I am going to wake up 30 years from now and realize that I lost so much of my youth by always looking to the future. (Yes, I am using youth loosely as I am almost 25!)

6) Do more Chicago things: I live in an amazing city and I do not feel that I have even done a tenth of what there is to do here. Maybe if I stop being so lazy I can do more Chicago things! My life is one big vicious cycle!!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bravo! I wish you luck in your effort to stay true to your own "resolutions." I know how hard it is to stay in touch and to keep up on things other than work...I've spent the last two weeks focusing solely on the Purdue tournament next week. I love my work, but sometimes that means pushing friends and family to the side. Maybe if you can find balance, there is hope for me.

Also, you had better figure out all that there is to do in Chicago. With NCA only a few months away, you're gonna have several people in town to see you and hang out with you. So I'm just saying...get on it.

Again, good luck. I'm sure we'll have a lot to catch up one later.


7:28 AM  
Blogger Sarah said...

YEA. Great goals. You are doing very well so far, at least i think so!

9:56 PM  
Blogger T-Mac said...

Dude, I'm with you on all of these, except 6, obviously. Rock on! Oh, and no headaches at this point--I beat my addiction, woot!

1:22 AM  
Blogger kristen said...

What about do more athens things?

3:30 PM  
Blogger erika said...

if u think u live too far in the future i am dooooomed! although we are both list makers, i think we can agree that i am MUCH more uptight and resist any type of surprise or spontanaeity.

3:17 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can agree with Kristen, but I think we would be talking about different Athenseseses (or something like that).


7:47 PM  
Blogger Sarah said...

OK time to update. Thanks in advance!

6:33 PM  
Blogger kristen said...

I second Sarah. If your resolution is to blog more, you probably shouldn't go more than two weeks in between updates!! :)

10:50 AM  

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