In the 40's, 50's and 60's our parents and grandparents had etiquette classes that showed the women how to be "proper ladies" and the men how to the "gentlemen". Those classes went out of style along with Poodle Skirts and Saddle Shoes. Should they have, though? With the new forms of communication channels maybe we need a new wave of etiquette classes. I think it is time to teach people the Do's and Do Not's of communicating in 2007. Facebook and Myspace have become everywhere you want to be and seems to be the easiest and best way to keep in touch with the largest amount of people. However, it is not safe for everyone. If there was a "how to" manuel for these sites I would send it to many people. Since there isn't, I will make it my personal goal to teach people the ettiquate that is so needed to be taught. I will have business cards soon so be looking for them. Until my classes are off the ground, here are a few of the more important rules that should never be broken. Please pass them along to those who break them!
1) Don't over share: There is no need to put that you have been unable to get pregnant, had a miscarriage or any other information that is not to be discussed with any one other then close family and friends. It would be awkward if I ran into you on the street and asked how you were and you responded with one of those things. It is just as awkward to have it in your about me or as a message on some one's wall. It is a private and sad matter and should stay private.
2) Don't add people you don't like: You know who you don't like. You know who doesn't like you. Why add them? Just because you feel as though you don't have enough friends on the internet does not mean you start to add people you talk badly about or it is obvious you don't like each other. It is just weird and not necessary. You don't pretend to like each other in public so why on the internet?
3) Don't demand to be #1: You might be joking about wanting to be some one's number one friend but it will never appear that way. If it is truly and inside joke then send a private message to that person....inside jokes are meant to be private. When you demand to be a top friend or make a comment about being moved out of someones top 8 you seem paranoid and insecure. Rating your friends is a superficial part of these sites any way. And not completely accurate since every single friend you have is not on said sites. Just because I make you my number one friends or me yours doesn't necessarily mean that you are my favorite friend or even that there is a favorite....there are many things to take into consideration so just relax!
There are many more rules that should be followed. For those, you will have to wait for my classes to start and you will have to pay for them. A girl has to eat....or buy clothes!