Trials and tribulations of someone new to Chicago

There is great big city, on a great big lake, called Chicago. When the sun goes down, it is wide awake!

Sunday, August 27, 2006

I like it, I love it, I want some more of it!

After reading this and then this more recently, I have been thinking about what I love more than most people. This is the list that I have come up with:

1) Making lists (Hence wanting to do this post. I also never complete lists. I just make another one and add what I didn't finish from the previous one I also tend to lose said list.)
2) Coats and Blazers
(Maybe not ALL soup but the soups I love, I love more than most!)
4) Tote bags
5) Freshly washed sheets and sleeping in the bed right after it was made
6) Mashed Potatoes with Beef Gravy
7) Gerber Daisies
8)Fountain Cherry Coke
9) Rain
10) Body Butter and Scrubs
11) Apple vs PC Commercials
12) Law and Order SVU
13) Sending Mail
14) Sunflower Seeds
15) Naps

When is it too soon?

Any one who knows me knows that there are a few things that really "get my goat" when I see or hear them. In my hopes to change Cadillac, I vocalized these things as often as I could. In fact, some might say that I am opinionated. As I walked home from my third day on a new job, I wondered; when is too soon to share these opinions with my fellow employees and boss? When have I gathered enough job security to yell, "Don't throw that pop can away! RECYCLE?" Or when am I sure that people will not be offended when I tell them that it is 2006, almost 2007 (again, almost is used loosely) so please stop using words such as gay and others that I don't even repeat? Lastly, when is it too soon to go into my rant dealing with the word retarded? It is just as bad as gay and has the same type of negative meaning, why do people insist upon using this word as a descriptive word? In the words of Kath-Kath, "Do you ever call anything GOOD retarded?" How many more days should I work before I get labeled the word snob at THIS job?

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Elisabeth strikes again!

With this "lack of job" I have going on, I watch The View every morning, as I usually do when I am home at that time. Since the move to the Windy City, I have been attempting to give Elisabeth a chance. I forgot that i was 'giving her a chance' one day when I texted my roommate the following texts: "SILS, did you know that Elisabeth from The View graduated from BC? She is bringing your school down!"

Since then, I have been doing a relatively decent job of being nice to her and not making fun of the ridiculous things that she says or wears. Until today. At first glance, I thought she was wearing a teal dress, so her only problem was the oversized bandana that was too big for her head and made her look like a sloppy college kid, not some one that I should be taking seriously because she is supposed to be a professional on National TV! But then, she stood up. This was not, in fact, a dress, but an ADULT ONESIE!!!! Do I need to even comment about what is wrong with that? Barbara made her stand up to "show us what she was wearing" and her justification for this outfit speaks for itself. "My daughter is now too big/old to wear onesie's so I was feeling sad about that and thought I would WEAR ONE MYSELF!" Um..What?? That makes no sense Elisabeth!

To top the show off, she asked one of the questions that makes me the maddest in this world. They had a female co-host on the show that is dating some one that is 19 years older than her. Elisabeth asked her, "How does your dad feel about that?" Does her mom not get to have feelings on this Elisabeth? It is about to be 2007 ('about' is being used loosely) isn't it time to start saying things incorporating both parents? Wake up Elisabeth!

To the producers of The View: Since you are making such a huge change of hosts and also changing your set in September, please make one more change and get rid of her. Thanks in advance!

Wanted: Guy with and edge

Went to 'movie in the park night' last night with Deb and Les to watch On The Water Front. I thought that the movie was decent. It was better then I was expecting but also glad it was not a movie I had paid to go see. However, at the end, Deb and I made a comment about Marlon Brando. This comment was referring to the slight attraction there was towards him. We were asked if we thought he was physically attractive; no, not really. But he has an edge. What is it about an edge that tends to draw women to different guys? I was unable to explain the attraction to the 'edge', especially when I answered no to the fact that the edge is not what you would want a serious relationship with. I do not think that we are the only females that are attracted, for a second, to a guy with an edge, though. I also do not think that it is exclusive to girls. I replied to Les that this was no different then a guy meeting a girl some where and saying, "Now that is a girl you take home for the night but not one you take home to meet the parents." That is how women feel about guys with an edge!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006


In a matter of minutes, everything changed. The hallway she knew so well, turned into empty space being looked at for the first time. At that moment, she knew that nothing would be the same. Well it is more than a shame that we lost to this game. All my walking, talking, breathing- nothing will be the same. The green locker and silver handle will always hold the memories of those minutes. With every lift of the handle, those minutes came crashing back, along with the pain, where everything changed. It happened so quickly, yet in slow motion. The five minutes that proved the world to be right. They were too young. He was trouble. She would get hurt. Why did they seem to be right when she tried so hard to prove them wrong?

If only time went in reverse and she could take back those words; words that caused the memory. Or if she had been smart enough to take a step back, be out of reach before she said it. How did she not see this coming? All the things I thought were so easy got harder and harder each day. Naivety would never happen again; he made sure of that, didn't he? After all, he always had the control; before, and long after.

The shirt she wore that day hidden in the back of her dresser with attemtp to be forgotten; it was never forgotten. It has been years since she looked at that shirt, although, it could still be remembered vividly, down to every last fade of color. The evidence of those moments were still on the shirt when she threw it away, ensuring it could never been seen by anyone else; although, when she closed her eyes, there it was.

She never asked if the evidence was still on her back. the answer was too scary to hear. If it was yes, then he was always with her, reminding her of what was. And if the answer was no? Well then she had no excuse. That excuse is all that she has. These excuses, how they served me so well. They've kept me safe, they've kept me stuck. They've kept me locked in my own cell.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Chicago To Do List.....Feel free to add your ideas!

1) FIND A JOB (clearly that is a given but thought it better make the list so no one commented "Um don't you think you should find a job?)

2) Learn to sail (Maybe this should be 'Find someone to teach me how to sail)

3) Find the closest Public Library (Check)

4) Learn the coordinate system...also learn the point

5) Swim on this side of the Great Lakes

6) Take a spin class

7) Go to Howl at the Moon

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Sample Day

When I was younger, I didn't always like going grocery shopping with my mom. Mostly, because it took a long time and I felt that there was something better to do with my time. "Better to do with my time" usually meant watching TV or sleeping. Another reason to hate grocery shopping was because usually, that was not the only thing we had to do and the other running around that we had to do was even worse then grocery shopping. I was mainly in for shopping because it sometimes lead to eating out, which I loved then and still love to do.

Now I love to go grocery shopping; although, I am not as anal as some people are about the way groceries go in the cart, on the belt, or in the bags. However, even with this new love of grocery shopping, I do not want to go every day. I like to get what I need for a couple of weeks and then be done with it. I think this saves time and is less annoying when you go to grab for something that you don't actually have because you were going to get it on 'your next trip to the store'!

Today, though, I saw something that would make we want to go grocery shopping every day. It was sample day at our grocery store. So, you might be thinking that many stores have sample day...get over it. I love samples as much as the next person and it was the only save grace to the grocery store when I was younger. But this was not your ordinary sample day...I had never seen these "samples" before.

They were serving samples of.......VODKA!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Yes, Intelligent!

Horiscope in today's paper:

"Up comes that topic you're not supposed to bring up in polite conversation. You have several opinions, not all of which fit nicely together. Being able to hold two conflicting opinions on the same issue is a sign of intelligence."

I don't often read my horiscope, but today I was job searching and this was right next to the want adds. Out of curiousity, I read it in hopes it would say "will find a job tomorrow!" I thought this was interesting today. I am not sure what "in polite conversation means" but I am hoping that said something isn't 'up coming' as I don't like confrontation and this seems like something I would not ordinarily want to talk about and is better left unsaid.

I am, however, agreeing with the very last sentence. I often have many internal conflicts on many issues that are important to me. Most of these come with what I believe for me and what I believe should be the law. There are many things I think the government should stay out of but I personally would not do or be involved in.

These "conflicts" clearly now show that I am INTELLIGENT. My horiscope told me that today. Can that go on my resume?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Enjoy the Ride

Life, it's ever so strange
It's so full of change
Think that you've worked it out
then BANG
Right out of the blue
Something happens to you
To throw you off course
and then you

Yeah you breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared
don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but don't forget it's just a ride

Truth, we don't wanna hear
It's too much to take
Don't like to feel out of control
So we make our plans
Ten times a day
And when they don't go
our way we

Yeah we breakdown
Well don't you breakdown
Listen to me

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you round and round
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared
don't hide your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but don't forget it's just a ride

Slowly, oh so very slowly
except that
there's no getting off
So live it, just gotta go with it
coz this ride's, never gonna stop

Don't you breakdown
No need to breakdown
No need at all

It's just a ride, it's just a ride
no need to run, no need to hide
It'll take you all around
Sometimes you're up
sometimes you're down
It's just a ride, it's just a ride
don't be scared now
dry your eyes
It may feel so real inside
but don't forget enjoy the ride

Monday, August 07, 2006

Book Meme

I was tagged by Kristen so I thought that I would make it my first post.

1) One book that changed your life: I feel that a lot of books I have read have influenced me in some way. However, if I am picking one then I pick A Child Called It. After I read this I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. Now I just need to grow up!

2)One book you have read more than once: I had to read Rich get Richer and Poor get Prison for more than one class, only read it for one though. I try to not read a book more than once since I have so many on my list

3) One book you would want with you on a Desert Island: My first thought was to bring something I had not read but that is a lot and what if it wasn't good and I am stuck with a bad book on my island? So then I thought to bring a fav but even that I am having trouble with. I will have to get back to you.

4) One book that made you laugh: I agree with Kristen that Running with Scissors made me laugh out loud a lot. But the Stephanie Plum Series also makes me laugh :)

5) One book you wish you had written: I just wish I could write. I would love to write about my experiences with my jobs in the future.

6) One book you wish had never been written: I think all books have a right to be written. Even if I don't agree with what was written.

7) One book that made you cry: I read many books that make me cry as I read a lot of books about abused children.

8) One book you are currently reading: A Safe Place

9) One book you have been meaning to read: I have been meaning to read A LOT of books. I have a long list. I am open for ideas of what I should read next.

10) One book you wish everyone would read: I agree with Kriten again with Rich get Richer. I would also add Nickle and Dimed.

People I want to do this:
